Current on-campus residents will receive an email from the mailroom when their package is available for pick-up.
Residents who have been quarantined by medical staff due to COVID concerns may not enter the mailrooms. If you need access to packages containing medication, contact to arrange for pick-up.
Packages over 30 pounds and/or over 24 inches in length will not be delivered to residential mailrooms. These over-sized packages may be picked up at University Mail Services (UMS) at 3 Discovery Drive during their business hours of 8:30AM to 4:00PM Monday through Friday. Emails sent to residents informing them a package is ready for pick-up will indicate where that package is located.
Packages not claimed within 10 business days of arrival will be returned to sender. Mail and packages will not be forwarded.
Alumni Mailroom
Serves the Alumni Quad Area
Alumni Mailroom - Watson Hall, Ground-Level Lounge
This mailroom is closed during Spring Break - March 15 through March 23
2pm to 6pm, Mondays through Fridays
11am to 2pm, Saturdays
Closed Sundays
Buckley Mailroom
Serves Buckley and Shippee Halls
Buckley Mailroom - Buckley Hall, Lower Level Elevator Lobby
This mailroom is closed during Spring Break - March 15 through March 23
2pm to 6pm, Mondays through Fridays
11am to 2pm, Saturdays
Closed Sundays
Charter Oak Mailroom
Serves the Charter Oak Apartments community
Charter Oak Mailroom - Charter Oak Community Center
This mailroom is closed during Spring Break - March 15 through March 23
Mondays, 4pm to 8pm
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays, 2pm to 6pm
Saturdays, 11am to 2pm
Closed Sundays
Connecticut Hall Mailroom (package pickup only - letter mail boxes located at South mailroom for floors 1-5. Floors 6 & 7 will receive package notices for letter mail.)
Serves residents of Connecticut Hall
Connecticut Hall - 1st floor
This mailroom is closed during Spring Break - March 15 through March 23
2pm to 6pm, Mondays through Fridays
11am to 2pm, Saturdays
Closed Sundays
HTA Mailroom (package pickup only - letter mail boxes at Putnam mailroom)
Serves the Hilltop Apartments community
HTA Mailroom - Hilltop Apartments Community Center
This mailroom is closed during Spring Break - March 15 through March 23
Thursday February 27th only, 2:30pm to 6pm
12pm to 6pm, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
Tuesdays (temporarily) 12pm - 2pm & 4pm - 8pm
11am to 2pm, Saturdays
Closed Sundays
McMahon Mailroom
Serves the residents of McMahon Hall and West Campus
Putnam Mailroom
Serves the Hilltop (Hale & Ellsworth Halls), Garrigus Suites, Werth Hall
and the letter mail for Hilltop Apartments.
Towers Mailroom
Serves East Campus, Husky Village, and Towers Residence Halls